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Name: Shina
Birthday: 10th of June 1995
Star Sign: Gemini
Zodiac: Pig
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Free CursorsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Comments ![]() Name: Shina Birthday: 10th of June 1995 Star Sign: Gemini Zodiac: Pig Desires ,
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2e4 Class of '09
1e4 Class of '08
Yi Ling
Min Yen
Yun Yu
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August 2009,
September 2009,
December 2009,
January 2010,
Monday, October 27, 2008
HAPPY DEEPAVALI EVERYBODY!!!Anyway, last Friday, I stayed overnight at my cousin, Denise's, house. It was so much fun!!! Denise's mother told Denise that I wasn't allowed to stay overnight at her house so when we arrived at Denise's house, I hid behind her father and she was so angry! She stomped away after opening the door for her parents. I said hi to her then she was so shocked! HAHA!!! I wish that I had taken a video or a picture of her reaction when she saw that I was in her house! The next day, we played and then went to the NTUC to buy some stuff. We were going to make cookies but Denise's mother, Auntie Lillian, said that she was too tired to make cookies so we decided to go to the Botanical Garden to feed the fishes instead. At first, Denise's father, Uncle Gavin, didn't want to go but Denise tried to show her father a cute baby face but it didn't work so she took out a picture of herself when she was younger making a cute baby face so her father finally said yes. We drove to the NTUC to get some bread to feed the fishes then made our way to the Botanical Garden. It was so much fun! After that, we went to my house to play. Auntie Lillian said that if she was going to make cookies, she would let me stay over at her house again so I can't wait!!! Last night, Denise and her family came to my house and we watched the movie, "Bridge to Terabithia", and it was so nice! The rest of the night we just played. It has been such a long time since I had such a fun weekend and I can't wait to do it again!!! Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hello everybody!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!! Finally!!! The holidays are here and it's time to celebrate!!! Today, school ended quite quickly and I got 6th in class and 50th in the level! Yay!! lol. School ended at 10am today and after school at 3pm, I met Michelle, Min Yen, Low Jie and Xin Hui outside Heartland Mall so that we could go bowling! Actually, only Michelle, Low Jie and Xin Hui bowled. Min Yen and I just went to the arcade and walked around acting like insane people. At first, me and Min Yen went to the arcade and played the racing car game. After that, we went back to Heartland Mall and ate the Mini Melts Ice-Cream. Cookies and Cream Flavour! Woohoo! Haha. Lame. After that, we went back to the Bowling Alley and waited for Michelle, Low Jie and Xin Hui to finish bowling. The three of them actually wanted to go to Hougang Mall but changed their minds because Michelle had to go for Japanese Lesson at 8pm at Kovan. We just walked around Heartland Mall for awhile then Low Jie and Xin Hui decided to go home. Michelle, Min Yen and I just walked around for awhile until we got hungry and walked to the nearby kopitiam to eat Hainanese Chicken Rice and Michelle and I drank Sugar Cane Juice but Min Yen didn't want to drink it because she said that she hates Sugar Cane Juice. After we finished eating, I decided to go home because there was nothing else to do and Michelle and Min Yen had to go for Japanese Lesson soon so I took a taxi back home. I had alot of fun and I can't wait to go out with my friends again!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I feel so bored right now. I have nothing to do but I feel like typing something so here I am... Anyway, so sad! Today is the season finale for "The Noose" season 2. It's the only thing on T.V that can really make me laugh. If only I had started watching "The Noose" right when it started... I missed the days when my family and I would gather together every Tuesday and watch shows like "Phua Chu Kang". Too bad now we're left with lame-a** shows like "First Class" and "Calefare"! The only reason I watch them is because there is nothing left to watch on T.V so I have to just settle with making fun of dumb shows on T.V. Okay, I realise that I have been complaining for this whole blog entry... Anyway, I really hope that they will make a new season of "The Noose" as soon as possible!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Last night was a typical saturday night. My cousins came over to my house to play. It was quite fun but not that different from all the other weekends. Around 11pm, my cousin, Denise, and her family went home but my other cousin, Ruolin, and her mother were still in my house. Ruolin's mother was too tired and fell asleep on my bed and by the time she woke up, it was past midnight. Ruolin decided to take a shower before going home so by the time she was finished, It was 1am! Ruolin asked her mother if she could stay over at my house but she said that it was too late so Auntie May, Ruolin's mother, asked me to stay over at her house so Ruolin asked my mother if I could and she said yes. My mother asked me to quickly pack up my clothes as it was already very late and Auntie May still had to fetch my mother's friend home. By the time we reached Ruolin's house, it was past 2am! My auntie took a shower and fell asleep so quickly but Ruolin and I were not even tired so Ruolin taught me how to make friendship bracelets and I made a friendship bracelet for my other cousin, Denise, and made a choker for myself but both of them broke! The strings snapped! After that, we just played with her dog, Whisky, drew on her mini chalkboard and talked. Oh! We got hungry and ate some kiwis too! Haha! Anyway, the time flew by quite quickly and with the blink of an eye, it was 5am and I wasn't even tired! Ruolin was starting to get sleepy though so we went into her room and went to sleep. We woke up the next morning at around 9am. We just played with the dog and talked. After that, we went downstairs to buy some breakfast. I brought along Whisky. Everyone kept looking at me because pets weren't allowed in the food centre so I waited outside and since I haven't changed yet, I was wearing long pajama pants and a shirt that said: McShit. LOL!!! When we went back up, we ate our food then watched a movie called Crossroads. After that, we showered then changed before going to the library. On the way there, it started raining so heavily and we didn't have an umbrella so we had no choice but to run across the street with only Ruolin's jacket as a shelter. We went to the library for less than 15 minutes then ran across the street to see if there was anything nice there. There wasn't anything that interested us so we took a bus back to Ruolin's house. When we reached home, her mother had to buy food for our uncle and decided to just pick him up and go for dinner at Vivocity. I just ate a little bit because my mother was cooking something and asked me to go back home for dinner. When we reached my house, Denise and her family had just arrived so we just talked and played. After dinner, Ruolin had to go home because her mother was getting tired. Me and Denise just talked for the whole night. For some reason, we started talking about "The Noose" and we laughed like mad women!!! After that, my brother turned the computer on and let us hear some songs. We all gone a bit crazy and started acting like Woodbridge Hospital escapees! Haha!!! After that, Denise had to go home because it was getting late. Wow! I just realised that this blog entry is very long! Haha! Anyway, I had a great time and hope more great times will come my way!!!