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Name: Shina
Birthday: 10th of June 1995
Star Sign: Gemini
Zodiac: Pig
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Free CursorsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Comments ![]() Name: Shina Birthday: 10th of June 1995 Star Sign: Gemini Zodiac: Pig Desires ,
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2e4 Class of '09
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Saturday, March 14, 2009
HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! Yesterday went to the Supreme Court for excursion. The ride there was quite boring. When we reach there have to go through security check then I ask the guy whether can take pictures then he say can. We went to do the Justice Trail. It's air-conditioned but sweat so much! Worst than PE. Lols. Anyway, after that we went to watch the Humpty Dumpty thing. Nice lah but quite stupid... One evidence is that there was egg yolk on the Big Bad Wolf's paws. They say that got test it but if they did, they will know that the egg yolk was cooked. Not raw. And if he pushed Humpty down, how come the yolk was on his paws? Humpty will break when he hits the ground, not before that. I doubt that the Big Bad wolf will touch Humpty after he falls. Anyway, after that, we went to watch the Civil Enactment on Bankruptcy and Seizure. Okok lah... Got the guy from MediaCorp. When they do the seizure thing, I asked whether can take the sticker or not but cannot. They say when we paste on something, it means that the thing is the Supreme Court's and it is illegal to move it. Lols. So I just took a picture of it. What if I cut out the circle then print it out into a sticker? Hmmm... After that, we just went to take some pictures. Then two policemen say I cannot take pictures. I told them that the security people at the front said I could. Then they ask me to put the camera in my bag then follow them. Walao! Damn scary sia! So embarrasing! So many people take pictures but only catch me! Follow policemen in the Supreme Court feels so weird. Then after that they called somebody and told me that actually taking pictures is allowed then they said sorry. Haha! I don't even know why that's funny... Lols. Anyway, after that just take some more pictures then went back to school. We took a nice big bus this time. Then Jasylne, Sutrina, Low Jie, Min Yen and me sit at the back. So comfortable!!! Haha. I want to go again if the Supreme Court got this kind of things again next time.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
10 ' Are you's . 1. Are you single : yes 2. Are you happy : sort of? 3. Are you bored : okok lah 4. Are you fair : I guess? 5. Are you italian : no 6. Are you intelligent : I hope so 7. Are you honest : sometimes 8. Are you nice : maybe 9. Are you irish : no 10. Are you asian : yes 10 Facts . 1. Full name : Shina Chua 2. Nick : I dun think i have... 3. Birthplace : Singapore 4. Hair colour : Very dark brownish black 5. Natural hairstyle : Very dark brownish black and kind of straight 6. Eye colour : brownish black 7. Birthday : 10th June 1995. Now that you know, you must give me a present! 8. Mood : A mixture of everything 9. Favourite colour : purple, pink, red, black, etc. 10. One place you'd like to visit : USA and Japan 10 Things about my love life . 1. Have you ever been in love : Can I not say? I not sure how to answer that... 2. Do you believe in love at first sight : Maybe? 3. Do you currently have a crush : Do you? 4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally : Yes 5. Have you ever broken someone's heart : How do I know? 6. Have you ever had your heart broken : I guess... Maybe it was just a cut. Nothing serious. 7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them : Yes. 8. Are you afraid of commitment : No 9. Who was the last person you hugged : Mummy 10. Who was the last person you said i love you to : Mummy 10 This or that . 1. Love or lust : Love 2. Hard liquor or beer : Virgin Magherita. Mango please. 3. Cat or dogs : Dog? Cat? I don't know lah... 4. A few best friends or any friends : A few best friends 5. Creamy or crunchy : Creamy 6. Pencil or pen : Pen 7. Wild night out or romantic night in : I don't know. Romantic night in maybe? 8. Money or happiness : Can have both? 9. Night or day : Both 10. IM or phone : Both 10 'Have You Ever's 1. Been caught sneaking out : I not so naughty 2. Seen a polar bear : Yup. In the zoo. 3. Done something you regret : Yes 4. Bungee jumped : Never 5. Eaten food that fell on the floor : Can't remember. Maybe when I was younger? 6. Finished entire jaw breaker : No. Singapore don't sell right? 7. Been caught naked : no! 8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back : Never been in BGR 9. Cried because you lost a pet : not yet 10. Wanted to disappear : yes 10 Preferences in a partner. 1. Smile or eyes : both 2. Light or dark hair : anything 3. Hugs or Kisses : both! 4. Shorter or taller : taller lah... 5. Intelligent or attraction : both 6. Topman or Zara : Never really seen what they have... 7. Funny or serious : both oso can lah 8. Older or Younger : older 9. Outgoing or Quiet : outgoing 10. Sweet or Bad : Anything, but not too sweet. Later diabetic how? Lols. Touch wood. 10 'Have You Ever's 1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd : Yes 2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than 1 hour : Ofcourse 3. Ever walked on hands : never 4. Ever been to a rock concert : I wish 5. Ever been in a cheerleading team : No, obviously. 6. Ever been in a dance team : No. I'm completely un-coordinated. 7. Ever been in a sports team : Never! I have no physical ability whatsoever. 8. Ever been in a drama play/production : when I was in Kindergarten? hahas... 9. Ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley? : Siao! No lah, but I want either a big truck, Porche 911 Turbo or Lamborghini Gallado SE when I older. 10. Ever been in a rap video : no 10 'Last's 1. Last phone call you made : Mummy 2. Last person you hugged : Mummy 3. Last person you hung out with : Friends 4. Last time you worked : Can't remember. At my mum's cakeshop but I didn't get payed... Lols. 5. Last person you talked to : can't remember 6. Last person you IM'd : Can't remember 7. Last person you texted : Mummy 8. Last person you went movie with : Can't remember 9. Last person / thing you missed : Do you really need to know? 10. Last websited visited : my blog |