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Name: Shina
Birthday: 10th of June 1995
Star Sign: Gemini
Zodiac: Pig
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Free CursorsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Comments ![]() Name: Shina Birthday: 10th of June 1995 Star Sign: Gemini Zodiac: Pig Desires ,
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2e4 Class of '09
1e4 Class of '08
Yi Ling
Min Yen
Yun Yu
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September 2007,
October 2007,
November 2007,
December 2007,
January 2008,
February 2008,
March 2008,
April 2008,
May 2008,
June 2008,
August 2008,
September 2008,
October 2008,
November 2008,
December 2008,
January 2009,
February 2009,
March 2009,
April 2009,
May 2009,
June 2009,
July 2009,
August 2009,
September 2009,
December 2009,
January 2010,
Friday, July 24, 2009
Hi Everyone!! Gonna post about today. During Lifelit, we had to rap a poem... My group never thought of anything so we just added a YO to the end of each stanza. LOLS! Super embarrasing but nvm lah. Home Ec was just talking about the Course Work. So difficult leh!! How the heck am I supposed to come up with a fusion dish!?!? After recess is CE. We present our Racial Harmony Project. Walao!! Ours sucks lorh!! No decorations, no pictures and can't even read the thing properly. Hope can get good marks though. After school, went home then my Primary School friend, Jashvini, called and asked me to go have lunch with her. I met her at Serangoon Gardoon Circus. I was complaining to her about my teachers but when I was gonna say the word bitch, I looked up and realised that my principal, Mr. Yeo, was sitting at the table next to us! OMFG!!! He had 2 cups of tea then I saw my vice-principal, Mr. Tan, was there too! I thought that they were going to just drink their tea then leave but Mr. Yeo went to buy 2 big bowls of noodle soup and then they just sat there eating and chatting so slowly. My god!! Luckily I wasn't wearing my school uniform. If I was, then I don't know what they would have done. Lols. Maybe they would have given me detention for not greeting them. HAHA!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Hi! I'm gonna post about today. School was boring, as usual. Miss Nur never come so that was good lah. Anyway, had home ec test.. okok lah. After school, went to Delon's house to do CE Project. Play Wii for awhile then start. Liyana not feeling well then when she check her temperature, its 38.6. WOW! She call her mum but her mum not free.. After do finish the project play Wii for awhile more then go home.. My dad sent Liyana home cause she like gonna faint liddat. Anyway.. Overall, okay lah.. Quite fun. Short post today cause I too lazy to post about the details. Lols. If u wanna know then ask me lorh.. Okay! BYEBYE!!! :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
HEEHEE!!! ME AND THE JONAS BROTHERS!!! Lols... 2 posts in one day! A record for me!!! YAAAYYYYY!!!!!![]()
Okay Peoplez! Time for an update! These few days in school DAMN siannnn... Stay back almost every day of the week. Tuesday go to Rosyth for YSP, the little pplz ask dumb questions... Yesterday, YSP again. Atoms and wateva shit.. Boring. Then today went to Delon's house to get the camera then take pic wif his neighbour then go help for the SPCA thing. Never really do anything but already have 9 people attending to customers so.. Nothing to do anyway.. Arghh!!! Drowning in homework!!! And I oso forgot to take pic for Racial Harmony for Media Club.. Urgh!! I think I'll just use the CE picture lah.. Anywayz, got nothing more to say so, GOODNIGHT PEOPLEZZZ!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
HIIIIIEEEEE PEOPLE!!!!!! Long time no post. Haha.. Anyway, gonna post about yesterday.. Got chinese tuition. BLEH!! Then my cousin, Ruolin, came to disturb me. Lol.. She irritate me so I painted her nails for her. Lmfao! I painted like damn ugly and got it all over her skin(on purpose) lol. Played some lame computer games. Went to Barbie website cause she suggested for fun then I really entered the url cause was DAMN bored -.-" Then I went to Heartland Mall with my dear Daddy. Haha. My mum was at Uncle DJ's house for some party thing.. And my brother at NDP Preview or wadeva it's called. I bought a new school bag. Its white with colourful leopard/cheetah prints. Haha! It's abit... ...Loud? Lols. Then my Dad bought 2 shirts and got this free gift. Haha. It's a small teddy bear thing, lols. got a price tag on it. $3.90. Cannot remember seeing my Dad shop before. Haha. Nice. Anyway, I got some new toys haha. Stupid eyeliner and mascara that I don't know how to use. Got free gift. Again. Lol. Smooth pencil eyeshadow. I don't know what I'm gonna do with them. I don't really use. Lols. Anyway, went to get some sushi, got 50% off cause the shop was gonna close. Went to pick up my brother then he hungry so went to buy McDonalds. Okay... So that's what happened yesterday. I just realised that I use the words lol and haha WAAAAYYYYYY too much. Lols.