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Profile ,

Free CursorsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Comments
Name: Shina
Birthday: 10th of June 1995
Star Sign: Gemini
Zodiac: Pig

Desires ,
That vampire...
A Whole New Wardrobe
A Denim Skirt

Gossips ,

Credits ,

Friday, January 1, 2010
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful 2010 filled with peace, joy, happiness, good health, harmony and prosperity!!! (:

Monday, December 14, 2009
The first 2 pictures of my last post were hilarious!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! And Padme cried when she saw that picture of Golden Boy almost kissing the wax figure. LOL!!! Anyway, I just wanted to say this about the peeing pictures: We were at Disneyland which is obviously a family place. There were people bringing their little children there!!! AHAHAHA!!! And he was just peeing in the middle of the whole place!!! lololololol!!!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Funny/Fun/Crazy Pictures from my HONG KONG TRIP 2009:

I don't think that's all but there's just tooooo many pictures!!! I hope that they're in the correct order... Hmmm... Anyway, I just wanted to share some sexy times with you all so, ENJOY!!! (:

Saturday, December 5, 2009
walao... who ask him... sexy asshole. hh-ha. hh-ha. shina cant take the sexiness. no appreciation at all. ):

golden boy: hh-ha, hh-ha.

shina: ew. Don't try to act sexy.

ruolin: like i said, no appreciation at all.

shina: Why, you like arh?

ruolin: okay uh...

shina: hh-ha. hh-ha.

golden boy: i influenced you. awoooooo!!!



Credits to Shina and Ruolin and, of course, golden boy for letting us use his name.
;) Awooooo!!!

Hi Everybody! Shina is back from HONG KONG!!! Woots! Had a super duper awesome time!!! I wasn't actually planning to blog about it but it's been so long since I've posted and everything was just so fun so I had to.

1st Day: Went to the airport early early in the morning with my parents, my brother, Uncle Boy, Auntie Aey and Padme. Then we met up with Golden Boy, Don, Carolyn, Auntie May and Ruolin. Yup, that's everyone! Ok, we sat the A380 Airplane. Everyone was so excited and expecting the seats to be big but it wasn't that big. Sat next to the window next to Carolyn and Don. Golden Boy took lots of pictures(I never knew he liked taking pictures). Anyway, reached in Hong Kong went through immigration and all that stuff. The bus ride there was nice and I walked around on the bus alot. The hotel was the same but with Christmas decorations. After check-in we ate at the food court. Went shopping at Flower Street.. I think. Haha. Golden Boy took lots of pictures and talked lots of shits. I don't think I bought anything.. Yup. I didn't. Then went back to the hotel.

2nd Day: Ate porridge then took MTR to Disneyland and had lots of fun! Went on Winnie the Pooh ride, 3D Show, Jungle River Cruise. Then we went to the Mad Hatter Teacups with Golden Boy, Keith and Ruolin. We sat 3 times but Ruolin couldn’t take it anymore so she only took the ride 2 times. The third time we spun the other way and I really felt like puking but Golden Boy just laughed and didn’t want to stop spinning the stupid thing. Evil. Went to It’s a Small World ride, Buzz lightyear ride, which I loved! Ate lunch, saw the parade, went for the space ship thingy then SPACE MOUNTAIN! Fun and kind of scarier than last time. I could actually see the tracks which made it worse. Padme sat in it too and she’s only 4! Haha. She said her arm almost broke off cause her mum was afraid she would fall so she grabbed on to her super tightly! Haha. Went to the Cinderella Carousel and then to the Flying Dumbo thingy. Ended too quickly… Ruolin got lost by some misunderstanding. The light show thingy started and it was pretty! We quickly went to play Autopia then came back in time for the Fire Works. Awesome! Drank hot chocolate with marshmallows. Yum! Walked abit more than took mtr back. We shopped at some night market(I forgot which one). Keith and Ruolin bought some fake converse. Haha. Anyway, then we went to eat some mango desserts and went back to the hotel.

3rd Day: Went for breakfast then took mtr to some place then took a bus to the peak. Golden Boy made everyone obsessed with the song She Wolf by Shakira. I don’t like it when he makes the howling and panting sounds though. Sounds really sick. Anyway, the view at the Sky Terrace was pretty. We went there because Golden Boy and Ruolin never went there before. First timers. Virgins, as I call them. Hahahaha! Jkjk. Then Don, Carolyn and Golden Boy went to the Wax Museum but Ruolin didn’t want to. Wasted the whole day there cause we thought she wanted to go there. Then Uncle Boy and my mum bought shoes and took a reallyyyyy realllyyyyy lonngggg time. We went back to shop some more. We took the Star Ferry which was awesome! Took pictures with all the Christmas Lights at some place... I dunno where we were though. Haha! Shopped some more then I can’t remember anything else. Haha!

4th Day: Took mtr to Tung Chung and sit on Cable Car to Ngong Ping on Lantau Island. I think… Haha! Uncle Boy and family didn’t come cause Uncle Boy was afraid of heights. Don and Carolyn went shopping so it was just my family, Auntie May, Ruolin and Golden Boy. Golden Boy, Keith, Ruolin and I went CRAZY that day. He taught us this way to inflict pain/tickle someone so we kept doing that the whole day and talked about lots of things. Laughed and laughed and laughed! Hahaha! We saw a family of cows. The dad was protective and rammed 2 people. He drank the female’s pee and when everyone laughed, he got angry. My mum petted him and he didn’t mind. She said she asked the cow for luck before petting him. Hahaha.. I guess it worked cause he wasn’t angry. After that we went for vegetarian lunch then climbed up the stairs to the big Buddha with Keith, Golden Boy, Auntie May and Ruolin. Took lots of pictures. Stupid pictures too. Golden Boy pinched my cheeks a few times for photos so as revenge, I pinched his cheeks and asked Keith to take a picture. Muahahaha! He said it didn’t hurt though.. Damn! We talked alot of shits and Ruolin asked Golden Boy if I was sexy. Like WTF!?!? He said some parts. Hahaha. Ruolin asked him what parts. He said personality and lifestyle. What does that even mean!? Tell me if any of you knows. Anyway, afterwards we went back down then took a bus to Tai O. The adults bought Seafood then we went to eat seafood for dinner. It was delicious! After dinner, Daddy and Golden Boy went out to smoke and we the children followed. Haha. After my dad went back into the restaurant we went to some provision shop but they didn’t have whatever Golden Boy was looking for. Then we kind of got crazy again laughing and pinching each other’s waists. Golden Boy targeted me and Ruolin. Ruolin managed to get away easily though. Ouch. It hurt. After that we took a bus back and I sat with Golden Boy. Some stuffs happened.. My dad saw and was not happy and Ruolin noticed too.. I won’t write it here just in case some people see but if you want to know, then ask me. I’ll tell you for sure. All I can say is… Ahh.. nevermind. After that we got down from the bus and I returned Golden Boy his jacket. (I was too lazy to take my own) It smelt nice. I’m not sick or anything but that’s just the truth. Ruolin seemed moody. I guessed she was jealous but we talked it out after we were back in Singapore. Then we took mtr back and went to have some mango desserts again. We went back to the hotel and I went to Ruolin’s room to talk about what happened. Then we went to Golden Boy’s room with Padme and just played around abit. Don and Carolyn was mad at Golden Boy for some stuff so we went out after awhile.

5th Day: Ruolin went home with her mum after breakfast and so we went shopping the whole day! Bought lots of stuff which I’ll list below.( If I can remember them all) Don, Carolyn and Golden Boy went their own way. Heard Don and Carolyn were still angry and made Golden Boy pay for all the taxi fares and even for dinner. Poor thing. After we were back in the hotel Golden Boy taught me and Keith how to tie our shoes in a really fast way. I got it but Keith still doesn’t get it. I do it really slowly but who cares. Practice makes perfect.

6th and Last day: We went for breakfast at the food court again but only because the restaurant we wanted to go to didn’t have a lot of the food ready yet. I ate KFC cause Keith kept eating it everytime we went there. Even in the last trips. Nothing special. The fries were nice though. Then we took a bus to the airport. Padme was so cute! Flirting with Golden Boy the whole time. It got annoying after awhile but whatever, she’s just a little girl. We ate lunch there. Shared a Popeye’s meal with Golden Boy and even though we were sitting alone and I wasn’t facing where my parents were sitting, I could feel my father staring at me angrily the whole time. It was kind of scary. Anyway, then boarded the plane. Golden Boy sat with me at first but Don didn’t want to sit in the centre seat cause it was hard for him to move around so they exchanged seats and so he sat with Carolyn while I sat with Don and the very annoying Keith. I slept for the first 1 hour then woke up and didn’t really feel like watching any movies but my dad saw a movie starring my favourite character from my favourite drama series and asked me to watch it. It was nice. The movie was called The Turning Point- Laughing Gor. Cantonese movie. You wouldn’t like or understand it if you didn’t watch the series though. Seriously you should see it. The most awesome Cantonese drama ever! Nicer than that Mooncake show, which you should also see cause it’s awesome. The mooncake show is called.. Ka ho yuet yuen. In Cantonese. The super nice show with Laughing Gor is called E.U. It’s the second season of PTU. Anyway, afterwards we went our separate way from Golden Boy cause he lived somewhere else but he told me he’ll see us on Saturday or Sunday cause he was coming to my house. After we went home, there was a tiny dog which looked like a mini version of Max in my house. Her name’s Baby. Ruolin was there too. We talked then she went home. After showering and looking at Hong Kong pictures, me and my brother went to Auntie Aey’s room to disturb her and share some of her French Fries which she ordered from McDonalds. We talked then Auntie Aey found out what happened on the bus. Not as awkward as I thought it would be. After that just went back to my room to sleep. It was 3+am by then.

Okay. That’s all! I think… Read Ruolin’s blog if you want to know more or if I missed out anything. Here’s the website http://a-midsummernights-nightmare.blogspot.com/.

Things I bought:
• Plain black Converse
• Multi-Coloured high-top converse
• Black Boots
• A Bag
• A few pairs of tights
• Sweat Pants
• Coat
• A few Blouses
• Lip Gloss
• Mascara
• Key Chains
• Umbrella
• Pens
• Pouch
• Scarf
I don’t think that’s all but I really can’t remember anymore and I’m just too lazy to think about it. Anyway, I had a super duper awesome great time and I can’t wait to go back again! Heard we’re planning to go to Japan next June. Golden Boy’s coming with us to Thailand next year so it’s gonna be fun. Anyway, Keith wants to take my money so I gotta go now. BYESSSS!!!! BTW, the tour guide at the River Cruise in Disneyland sounds EXACTLY like Peter Chao. Super duper funny! “Whatchoo doing!?!? Stop that!!!” Hahahaha! “Chao outside Mudafucka!!!”.

Friday, September 11, 2009
I wanna go back to the playground where cool people go. Yes. I'm THAT AWESOME. HAHA!! OMG! He has like an old face(White hoodie guy). You know, he looks old. Ya. Not SUPER old. Just old but you still can kind of guess his age accurately. He looks familiar. OMG! Maybe he's from my school!! AHHHH!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

There's a guy wearing a white hoodie and headphones sitting just opposite me trying to look hot. Me and Ruolin kept looking at him and laughing. He looked at us a few times already. Hope he doesn't notice that I'm blogging about him while he's just right there. Hahahaha!!! So hard to control my laughter! His hair is nice though... Haha! He's playing Pet Society! OMG!!! HAHA. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that but seriously... That just makes me laugh. He's about maybe 16 or 17. Okay. I gotta go now. I'm about to hyperventilate. BYE!!!